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We at are offering free webinars with eurythmy sessions for strengthening the immune system and fighting viral infection during this time of crisis. You may gain access here.

On Mondays we do all exercises with a focus on our immune system. We work on streaming and raying, we do exercises with our legs and we get to know the consonants as a source of resilience and self-assertion.
On Fridays, after various warm-ups, we go through a series of five eurythmy exercises against viral infections: Yes-No, Sympathy-Anthipathy, Love-E, Hope-U, A-Reverence.
You can get in at any time. The basic exercises remain more or less the same, but we learn different aspects every week.
We take breaks in between so that the effects of the exercises can develop. So you can choose for yourself whether you want to attend the lesson until the end or whether it is better for you to stop beforehand.
You can also just watch. Then you do the exercises inside while sitting and that too can have an astonishingly positive effect. Just try it out!